
Hi, I'm Blagica 👋🏻

I have been involved in delivering web applications, mostly in PHP and JavaScript based on industry-standard practices, frameworks and libraries, and I’m eager to pick up new things along the way.

With over 5 years experience, I’m always excited to tackle new challenges and take my software development skills to the next level.

Work Experience
See all work
  • Apr 2024 - Jul 2024 (3 months)
    Software Engineer
    • Collaborated in a 4+ team environment
    • Worked on and delivered an integral feature of the product - AI chat application, that processes and analyses PDF files, and highlights the answers
  • Mar 2023 - Mar 2024 (about 1 year)
    Software Engineer
    • I’ve lead the frontend development for a client in the recycling metal industry in the Netherlands
    • Implemented new rebranded design across the apps
    • Created and maintained a component library for streamlined design flow across apps and OAuth2.0
    • Contributed to backend features, such as creating and consuming API routes, data validation etc.
See more
  • Apr 2024 - current (3 months)
    Event Coordinator

    All Web Dev Conference in Skopje, Macedonia.

  • Nov 2022 - current (over 1 year)
    Event Coordinator

    A non-profit organisation that shares knowledge through organizing events, workshops and conferences.

Let's Connect

If you want to get in touch with me about something or just to say hi, reach out on social media or send me an email.